Brace Barber is a leading Christian Apologetics Speaker determined to help the Christian Church raise confident Christians.
Apologetics Speakers
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Brace’s military and planning background guide his teaching of Churches how to begin to win the war and create revival.
Brace’s leadership and strategic planning experience
Brace wasn’t raised in a Christian home. He was agnostic about God. He left home at 17 on his way to West Point. After graduating, he became Airborne and Ranger qualified and travelled the world racking up experience and accolades as an officer in the Army. He was destined for success. Despite his appearance, however, he was desperately trying to figure out life, who he was and where he was going. Christ got him at the age of 29. As someone who wasn’t convinced of Christ until later in life he has come about his convictions differently than those raised in Christian homes. He came to Christ after experiencing the personal failures and emptiness resulting from a life ruled by the standards of this world.
Conviction Leading to Action
Brace’s kids are 18, 15 and 13. They have been raised in a Christian home. They have challenges that are completely different than his because of their understanding of God up until now, and the challenges that they will face as they exit high school and enter the world. Several years ago he was at lunch with a friend, who brought up the subject of preparing kids for the testing of the world. As the conversation went on Brace was convicted about his inability to give coherent answers to the legitimate challenges that a skeptic might throw his way.
“Who created God?”
“Why would an all-loving, all-powerful God allow evil and suffering in the world?
“The Bible is full of contradictions!”
He knew that if he couldn’t answer questions like these, his kids definitely couldn’t, and if they couldn’t, then they were at serious risk of leaving Christianity due to legitimate intellectual doubts.
To be sure, the answers to those questions are critical, but his purpose is not to teach the evidence that supports Christianity. His purpose is to help the Church enact educational methods that teach the evidence.
After he determined the seriousness of the matter for his own kids, he set about to learn everything he could about Apologetics. In the process, he learned that 75% of kids raised in Christian homes leave the Church after high school. He learned that this statistic isn’t a hard-to-find fun fact; rather it is common knowledge among Church leaders. Brace’s purpose is to help pastors and parents turn that loss around and create a new generation of educated and emboldened warriors for Christ so that they can “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” …so that they can fulfill the Great Commission!