Moral Relativists Don’t Walk Into Traffic
Apologetics, Apologetics Speakers, Atheism, Christian Answers, Christian Apologetics, Youth Apologetics
Moral Relativism By Brace E. Barber Apologetics Speakers August 3, 2016 Note: While editing this article I realized that the term Moral Relativism might not be well defined for some people. Moral Relativism simply means that there is no universal standard for right or wrong, good or evil. What is good for you might not be good for someone else, and no one can say that one way is better than the other. Now to start the article... Moral relativism is certainly the result of being too smart by half. If you are just a normal person like me, you don't walk into traffic because you will die. Somehow those cars look real, and you've seen the driver's-ed videos. However, if you seek to be a secular intellectual then…